New Lab Member Safety Training
Cegelski Lab - New Member Training Information (Updated 2025)
**NEW GRAD STUDENTS WHO WENT THROUGH SAFETY TRAINING DURING ORIENTATION: You must complete any additional online courses from those listed below and complete the TEIR 3 FORM/ WALK THROUGH WITH our lab Safety Officer or Lynette. SEE BELOW. Then, TURN INTO EH&S - NO INTERVIEW REQUIRED.
We have a three tiered safety training program. Tiers 1 and 2 are both online. Tier 3 is walking through the lab with our Lab Safety Officer or Lynette. Once all of that is complete, you have an “interview” with our safety department (EH&S). Only then do you get clearance to work in lab and, for postdocs and graduate students, can obtain the key(s).
Safety Training overview (and see complete safety packet below)
- Register for and complete the following courses on STARS (it is easiest to search the courses by number).
Standard Chemistry Training for ALL Cegelski Lab Members
(1) Chemistry Department eMemorandum (CHEM-2001-eForm)
(2) General Safety and Emergency Preparedness (EHS-4200-WEB)
(3) Chemical Safety for Laboratories Module (EHS-1900-WEB)
(4) Compressed Gas Module (EHS-2200-WEB)
Additional Training for ALL Cegelski Lab Members
(5) Biosafety (EHS-1500-WEB)
(6) Bloodborne Pathogens (EHS-PROG-1600)
(7) Aerosol Transmissible Diseases (ATD) - Laboratories (EHS-PROG-1090)
(8) Electrical Safety (EHS-2800-WEB)
(9) Wastewater Permit Compliance (CHEM-1000-WEB)
(10) Additional required Lab training in "Understanding the Honor Code for Graduate Students." Canvas course link:
Once ONLINE Training Courses are COMPLETED, PROCEED to the IN-LAB Safety Training and Walk-Through:
(11) Register online for Cegelski Lab specific Training (CHEM-PROG-3140).
(12) This is the Tier 3 training. Note: there is no actual online course. This formalizes your moving to the in-lab training with our lab Safety Offcier. You just need to be registered for the course # CHEM-PROG-2401 OR it may be 3140 which was the number we had on before 2/12/2025.
- (13) Sign up for your safety “interview” with EH&S if required.
-CHEM-2301 (this is an online form that you need to submit before you can register for your safety interview - don’t use chrome; or it may be 2001 which was the number we had on before 2/12/2025)
-CHEM-2301 is listed under Chemistry Department Safety Certification (Tier II) (CHEM-PROG-2101).
Before going to your safety interview, you will need to fill out and bring:
-Your Tier 3 checklist (signed by Safety Officer or Lynette)
-An Emergency Contact Form
-Your Safety Questionnaire
- Safety Packet and forms available in the attachments